• Centres
  • /
  • Écluse des Laurentides (L’)

Écluse des Laurentides (L’)

Last update: 1970-01-01


* Street work: presence, listening, information, personalized referral, support and accompaniment.
* Needle exchange and distribution.
* Naloxone kits distribution.
* Awareness activities.
* Street workers available for each intervention sector.
* Distribution and delivery of fentanyl test strips.

Customer base:

people facing social breakdown and coping with issues such as social exclusion, isolation, poverty, marginalization, addiction, dropping out, physical or mental health, psychological distress, or any other issue affecting their life



Territory served:

MRC Antoine-Labelle, MRC Argenteuil, MRC Deux-Montagnes, MRC La Rivière-du-Nord, MRC Les Laurentides, MRC Les Pays-d'en-Haut, MRC Thérèse-De Blainville


Without accommodation

Legal status:

non-profit organization

Language of service:

French; English

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