About Us
Trouve ton centre is a reference tool designed to facilitate access to the services offered along with the contact information of various prevention, treatment and harm reduction centres, as well as community naloxone distribution points. Trouve ton centre is the directory of the addiction and drug use network in Quebec.
Trouve ton centre is supported by Drogue, aide et référence (Centre de Référence du Grand Montréal) in partnership with the Association québécoise des centres d’intervention en dépendance, in keeping with its mission to provide information to help.
Drogue aide et référence
Drugs: Help and Referral offers a free confidential and anonymous bilingual helpline that provides free referrals and information to people who use drugs, their families and friends, and social workers.
- To find a sympathetic ear and receive relevant information;
- To understand the consequences of using and abusing alcohol, drugs or medication;
- To learn about the available resources in your area;
- To help you or someone close to you overcome an alcohol, drug or medication addiction.
L’Association québécoise des centres d’intervention en dépendance (L’AQCID)
L’Association québécoise des centres d’intervention en dépendance (L’AQCID) is a national non-profit association encompassing more than 100 community organizations active in the field of addiction. AQCID is committed to being an advocate and partner to the public network in providing addiction services to the population and offering high-quality services.
AQCID’s mission is to bring together, support, mobilize and represent community and non-profit organizations offering prevention, harm reduction and treatment services for addiction and substance use in Quebec.
Trouvetoncentre.com was made possible by the financial support of Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux.