Maison d’Haïti
* Assistance and support for newcomers’ settlement, information sessions, assistance with immigration procedures.
* Assistance with housing search. Employment and education
* Support for labour market integration and job search assistance.
* Francization.
* Adult literacy.
* Confie-toi: health information fair.
* Social integration program for young mothers.
* Homework and school perseverance support.
* One-off educational workshops on taxes. Family and youth
* L’Art d’être parent: parenting skills program.
* Espace parents: meeting, exchange and training space and place of belonging.
* Bedondaine: food security and educational program for pregnant women.
* Projet Gars: prevention and intervention program for young boys from 10 to 18 years old to change sexist behaviors and attitudes and promote gender equality.
* Kan Lakay: summer and winter camps for 5 to 12 year-olds.
* Juste pour ELLES: sexual exploitation prevention and intervention program aimed at teenage girls living in Saint-Michel neighbourhood.
* Christmas baskets for member families and distribution of presents to their children. Community development
* Street patrol.
* Arts centre: creation and cultural dissemination space, promotion of cultural expression stemming from multicultural communities.
* Projet Goût 2 Vivre: project for 9 to 25 year-olds aiming to develop their interest in transforming their life, their environment and their daily life through cultural, artistic and sports activities.
Customer base:
Haitian community and other cultural communities
Territory served:
Greater Montréal
Without accommodation
Legal status:
non-profit organization
Language of service: