Maison Jean Lapointe

Last update: 2024-01-30


Addiction treatment centre.
* Alcohol and drugs: detoxification support under medical supervision, internal intensive treatment of 21 days, 12-week weekly follow-up and monthly follow-up for a year (with zoom).
* Pathological Gambling: assessment, internal and external intervention, 8-week external monitoring and monthly follow-up for a year (with zoom).
* Virtual therapy program for alcohol, drugs and gambling: from 21 intensive days up to 8 weeks.
* Support for relatives (alcohol and drugs): intensive weekend and monthly follow-up.
* Support for relatives (gambling): 8-week external program.
* Prevention programs in schools.
* Prevention and information website for young people aged 12 to 17 with chat:
* Business services.
* Self-exclusion program: 3 months to 5 years.

Type of addiction:

Alcohol, Drugs, Gambling, Cyberaddiction

Customer base:

adults 18 years and over with an addiction to alcohol, drugs (except opiates), prescription drugs or gambling, their relatives


gambling internal or virtual: free for all of Quebec (priority for people from Montreal), drugs: $5200 for in-patient 21 days program and weekly and monthly follow-ups are free (paid by the Jean Lapointe foundation), unemployment and pension: half of price, social assistance: 1000$ (one case per month is 100% covered, so possibility of a waiting list), virtual therapy for drugs and alcohol: $2850 regardless of the duration chosen, intensive weekend for support for relatives: $650, 8-week program for support to relatives: free

Territory served:

Province of Québec




1 month and less

Legal status:

non-profit organization

Language of service:



  • information: Monday to Sunday 8h30 to 16h30
  • admission: by appointment

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