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  • Centre de Réadaptation en Dépendance – Vallée de la Gatineau

Centre de Réadaptation en Dépendance – Vallée de la Gatineau

CRD Vallée de la Gatineau
Last update: 1970-01-01


Second-line addiction services.
* Inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation of variable duration.
* Short-term inpatient rehabilitation for adults at head office.
* Long-term inpatient rehabilitation for adults in collaboration with Domaine Perce-Neige, Portage and Camillus Center (Ontario for English speakers)
* Inpatient rehabilitation for youth in collaboration with Portage.
* Outpatient rehabilitation.
* Detoxification (three levels).
* Motivation maintenance group (5 sessions).
* Outpatient rehabilitation.
* Inpatient rehabilitation at head office.
* Social Reintegration.
* OAT program (Opioid Agonist Therapy).
* Services for loved ones.

Type of addiction:

Alcohol, Drugs, Gambling, Cyberaddiction

Customer base:

people 12 years and older with addiction (alcohol, drugs, gambling, medication), their loved ones, people on a drug substitution treatment



Territory served:



number of places: mixed 21, other: for young people 10


Without accommodation

Legal status:

parapublic organization

Language of service:

French; English

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